Thar be Dragons


Recently, I noticed that I simply have not had any half-decent ideas to write in this blog. The purpose of this blog was to chronicle the whole “chasing my dream” thing. Well, as I’ve come to find out, there’s a whole lot of absolutely nothing to talk about for long periods of time.

Right now I’m reading over the draft of my novel-which means it’s a manuscript, which I think means I’m officially a novelist. Of course I’m not just saying that cause it sounds good (although it does), but I’ve heard that apparently just finishing a large manuscript makes you one. Neat huh? Maybe you guys should join me.

The process I’m currently undertaking is very, well, dull. Nothing much to say and too much too do.

Not to mention the fact that since I’m been working-from-home I get a bit tired of staring at the computer screen. Now that’s an excuse.

But really, I’m all dried up here like a raisin as for the topic of this blog.

So I had an idea. If I’m trying to get people to read stuff I write, maybe I should do the smart thing and write about something that’s current that has groups of people that care about it.

Ah yes, there’s the writing community, but I don’t really feel like I’m ready to tackle those people. I read more comics and manga than books.

Which is where I’m going to this. Since I’m just a giant fucking nerd who likes to write, I figured I’d best start another blog about the nerdy crap my family looks at me strangely for.

Yeah, gonna blog about Animus and Mangos. For the past year (or two or ten), I’ve been a bit too on top of that stuff for my own good. I mean hell, I have way too much to say about what the hell happened to the damn second season of K-ON!! than anything else. I mean really, the show started about a group of girls starting a band and aiming to perform at the Budokan and then dissolved into “lol what band? Hey look at this cute turtle!”

Are you still with me?

Mango and its cross section

The subject of my new blog

I’m impressed.

So yeah, I’ve already got some posts on that subject lined up. Sorry to you guys who really don’t give a damn about various Weeaboo nonsense with the crazy Japanese cartoons. Although I will try to make sense of certain things in a way that non weeaboos could understand them. I will still update this blog, though that will be when stuff happens and I have no idea when that’ll be.

So here it is: Weeaboo Fidget

(See what I did there?)

Also: I find it both awesome and terrible that WordPress was able to pick up on what Animu meant, giving me the option of creating it to be a hyperlink to Wiki’s “Anime” article.

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